Delivery & Returns


Postal Charges

All prices are calculated by weight up to 2kg (except UK) and taken from the most recent Royal Mail price guide here.

All parcels are sent via a tracked service.

Nellie and Eve cannot be held responsible for loss, undelivered or damaged goods during transit.

Customs and Import Taxes

You may need to pay customs or import duties once your order reaches you. These charges are out of our control and we have no way of predicting what they may be. For further advice, we recommend contacting your local customs office. This also applies to all EU orders.

Buyers are responsible for any customs and import taxes that may apply.


Online purchase only:

We really hope that you are happy with your Nellie and Eve goods. If you wish to cancel/return/exchange your purchase, please contact us so we can assist you.

Returns are accepted within 14 days of you ordering goods online. All products must be returned unused and in their original packaging with yarn bands in place. The buyer is responsible for return postage costs.

All sale items and custom orders are non-refundable

Purchasing goods in person:

Returns and refunds are not accepted unless the goods are faulty within 14 days.